Different Technologies used in Industrial Automation
What is Automation?
The word “Automation” is derived from the greek word “Auto” and “Matos” where Auto means ‘Self’ while Metos means ‘To Move’ or ‘Moving’. So, The word Automation gives the meaning ‘Self dictating’ or ‘a mechanism move by itself’.
Process Automation
The automation Process can be applied on any working process or Machines or devices. These are also known as Applications of Automation. This working process on which Automation process is applied is called Process Automation.
Boiler Automation
Home Automation
Industrial Automation
Definition of Automation
Automation refers to the collection of personnel, hardware, and software that can affect or influence the safe, secure and reliable operation of an industrial process.
Automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots and information technologies for handling different processes and machinery to replace a human being.
Hence, Automation is the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically.
Impacts of Automation
Increase Productivity
Improve the quality of product/process
Reduce Labour Cost
Reduce Maintenance Cost
Reduce Production Cost
Improve Safety in working conditions
Increase Efficiency
Improve Consistency of process
Reduce the need of manual Checking, etc.
Increase Unemployment
Higher Initial Cost
Unpredictable Maintenance Cost, etc.
Classification of Automation
Three types:
Fixed or, Hard Automation
Programmable Automation
Flexible or Soft Automation
This type of Automation performs fixed and repeatedly operations in order to achieve high production rates. It uses a special or, dedicated purpose equipment to automate the fixed processing design. So, It is inflexible in providing product variety. But it increases the efficiency with high production rate and reduce the unit cost. For Examle:
Matching Transfer Lines
Automated assembly Machines etc.
This type of Automation is designed with the capacity to change the sequence of operation to accommodate different product configurations. This type of automation is best suitable for the Batch production process(Many Similar items are produced together). For Examle:
Paper Mills
Steel Rolling Mills, etc.
This is an extension of Programmable Automation. A flexible Automated system is one that is capable of producing a variety of products (Or, Parts) with virtually no time lost for changeovers from one product to the next. There is no production time lost while reprogramming the system and altering the physical setup (tooling, fixtures and machine setting). For Examle:
Automobile Industry
Steel Rolling Mills, etc.
Automation in Production System
Applications of Automation
Automation is present in many forms in our everyday life and in industry. Some Common examples are:
Industrial/Plant/Factory Automation
Home/Office/Building Automation
Scientific Automation
Network Automation
Data Center Automation
Industrial Automation uses a combination of hardware and software technologies that enable control and management over industries.
Power Plant
Oil & Gas Refinery
Chemical Plants
Manufacturing Plants
Production Plants
Water Treatment Plant
Product Packaging, etc.
It uses a combination of hardware and software technologies that enable control and management over appliances and devices within a home/office or building.
Traffic Light
Street Light
Home Appliances
DGs, etc.
It is used for the research and development of any technology.
Medical Science a. ECG b. EMG c. X-Ray d. MRI
Satellite Control
Missile Control, etc.
It is the process of Automating the Configuration, management, and operation of a computer Network.
It enables the bulk of the data center operations to be performed by software programs.
Different Systems / Technologies for Industrial Automation
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
SCADA (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition)
DCS (Distributed Control Systems)
HMI (Human Machine Interface)
VFD (Variable frequency drive)
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
PLC is an Industrial digital computer. It is used to control a manufacturing process, such as assembly lines or Robotics devices. PLC can store the programs into a memory . It also stores the parameters like Temperature, Pressure, etc.
SCADA (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition)
SCADA is a control system Architecture, that uses computers, Networked Data Communication and graphical user Interface for high level Process. It is a system of software and hardware elements, that allows industrial organization to
Control Industrial Process locally or an remote location.
Monitor, gather and process realtime data.
Directly interface with devices such as switches, Pumps, Motors etc.
DCS (Distributed Control Systems)
A DCS is a Digital Automated Industrial Control System. It is not a centralized control system but are distributed throughout the system, that operates all the machineries.
HMI (Human Machine Interface)
HMI is a user interface of a control panel that connects a person to a Machine, system or device.
VFD (Variable frequency drive)
In Automation Systems any Motion Control is done by drives.